
This is aimed to be a (the) place where you can work and enjoy the fruits of it, with maxed-out effectiveness and fairness. We're obviously not there yet, this needs quite some rules, processes and very importantly, software with which we can efficiently implement these.
In the next stages and phases we'll be increasingly opening for contributions, at first just sharing some Tasks here and processing them manually, moving towards a JIRA-like system (and then passing it to reach "magic".)

The first (and currently only) way of contributing is that you send an email:
[email protected]
Current multiplier is *42:
You get a (soon to be reduced) multiplier of 42 on it - i.e. if the value of your contribution is x, you will get the same profit share as if the value was 42*x at normal times (when the multiplier is 1).
What we expect:
  • Technical suggestions or actual fixes for the site in the form of some html, css, etc.
  • Pointing to typos, contradictions, non-English sentences in the content, especially with recommendations of how to fix them
  • Offers about larger amount of work - currently centered around basic devops, frontend dev; please include some words about your skills, experience, etc.
  • Anything which has a high chance of significant usefulness (~=saves us time)
The value of your work will be computed once we have the means to do it precisely enough; we'd say less than a year but it's then up to you guys - the more support we get, the quicker we have the rules, processes and systems in place.
Keep the rules!:
Future rules as well:
You will need to keep the rules the community makes for itself (you being one of the members who takes part in their creation) to (fully) enjoy the profits. Fairness will be enforced - one of our key pillars is the process around the "how" - so just not being too harmful will probably suffice.
Deliberate actions hurting the project is considered naughtiness and in general, you are expected to behave ethically and fairly.
By the community, with enforced fairness.

Some words about "fairness":
Aim is to be as close to be completely fair as possible, increasingly fine-tuning our rules, so that your share from the profit generated by a product is your share in the _value_ of the effort needed to generate it.:
your contributions are treated as investments
we create a software, for which the expected development cost using market rate is TOTAL_MR_COST, which is then sold for REVENUE amount of revenue. You developed a component for it, which could have been developed for COMPONENT_MR_COST amount of money by using a random developer from the market. In this case:
  • with this approach we account for "skill", that is, if someone is "skilled" (=can do something with less effort than an average person) then his/her compensation is still the same as the average person would get for completing the same task, despite working less on it.
  • salary-like (= hourly rate instead of profit share) compensation is expected to be an option as well in the future, but obviously with a lower expected return due to the risks outsourced to someone else.